Every business is UNIQUE! -- Your Accounting and Bookkeeping needs will vary.


To meet those needs, we have a Suite of Services that are certain to fulfill the requirements of virtually any business.

Bookkeeping Evaluation - Diagnostic Review

Starting at $297.00

Don't know where to start? Does your desk look like this?  A Bookkeeping Evaluation - Diagnostic Review of your current bookkeeping situation helps to establish a starting point in your accounting files, to discover what needs to be changed or corrected.

Clean Up Services

After the Bookkeeping Evaluation - Diagnostic Review is complete, we can help you to make necessary changes and corrections to your accounting file; and CLEAN UP any prior "messes," along with creating a detailed plan so you can continue accurately and stay on track.

On-Going Bookkeeping Services (Done-for-you)

Done 4 You – BASIC - $$ or
Advanced (includes Payroll) - $$$$

If you decide that you want to stick with your creative side,

(the reason you started your business) and ditch your bookkeeping entirely, we can DO-IT-FOR-YOU, & maintain the recurring tasks that need to be done.


We're happy to help you with initial set-up of your accounting files; recurring weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual tasks; as well as advising you what amounts to pay and when to pay them.  With our Oversight Services we will review your accounting files on a regular basis to be sure that you're paying the correct amounts and at the appropriate due dates.

Want to DIY (Do-It-Yourself) ??

If you prefer to DIY (Do-It-Yourself),
we can help with that too.